How it all started… with a handful of young engineers full of ideas, near Bilbao.
Our company was born in 2009, as a spin-off of the EHU-ABIATU Plan, a programme fostered by the Basque Government for the creation of technological companies in the Basque University College of Industrial Engineering.
We know what teachers need.
Our team of engineers have encountered the same problems as every other professor when helping students get the grasp of the various engineering subjects in the university curricula.
Our range of equipment is the result of putting ideas to work in order to get the most cost-effective solutions… that actually work for you in the classroom laboratory.
We are growing
and we are on the lookout for partners who want to distribute our products in new markets.
Our range of products and their accessories are used in all major university departements and colleges of engineering, all throughout Spain, Europe and most Latin American countries.We sell directly to our customers in Spain and through selected distributors in other geographical areas.

Tel. 94 655 15 35