DIKOIN’s Cookies Policy

Last updated: September 2018

We use cookies on www.dikoin.com (the “Service”). By using the Service, you consent to the use of cookies.

Our Cookies Policy explains what cookies are, how we use cookies, how third-parties we may partner with may use cookies on the Service, your choices regarding cookies and further information about cookies.

What are cookies

Cookies are small pieces of text stored on your web browser when you visit  almost any website. Cookies allow the Service or a third-party to recognize you next time you visit the page.

We use cookies for the following purposes: to enable certain functions of the Service, to provide analytics, to store your preferences and to adapt contents to your profile, but no personal user’s data is stored.

Users can set their browser to prevent the use of cookies. Please, continue reading to know how.

How DIKOIN S.L.U. uses cookies


Our web site may use the following cookies:

Essential cookies: They are necessary for the user to receive our contents and services.

Analytic cookies: We use third-party cookies to improve the quality standards of our services, by analyzing users’ behaviour on our web.

DIKOIN’s own cookies, generated by our web page, such as:

Session or technical cookies: they are quite basic and are used to detect if the user has accepted their use and to differentiate between a human and a robot user –to prevent spam.

Third party cookies generated by services, plugins and / or external providers:

  • Google Analytics: it stores cookies to produce statistics on web traffic, number of visits, most popular posts,… By using this web site you consent to your data being transmitted, treated and stored by Google Inc. Please, contact Google (google.com) directly if you feel your rights are not sufficiently protected.

Please, note: these cookies are used exclusively for statistical purposes, in order to improve the web user’s experience and they are not linked to personally identifiable information.

  • Social Media, each one of them (Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Bloglovin, etc) use their own cookies, for the “I like” or “Share” buttons
  • Other depending on the plugins and applications installed

By continuing to use our site you consent to your data being treated in the way mentioned above. If you wish to prevent the use of cookies, you can set up your browser preferences accordingly. This will not prevent the site from working but some options may be disabled as a result.

What Information can be stored in cookies?

There is a wide range of information, for example:

  • User’s IP
  • Web of origin
  • Search word used to navigate to the site
  • Web pages visited
  • Product preference
  • Content of register or order forms
  • Session ID
  • Information on the user’s browser, device, operating system, connexion speed and visualization settings

How can I disable cookies?

You can disable, eliminate or block cookies -either all of them or only some specific extension- at choice.

Follow these links to set your preferences in the most popular web browsers:


What Will Happen If I Disable Cookies?

A range of things will happen, such as:

– You will not be able to share content in any given Social Media accounts.

– We will not be able to adapt the web page content to your preferences.

– This web site will not be able to carry out visitors’ and traffic analysis and will become less competitive.

– It will not be possible to prevent robots from sending us spam.

Some Additional Comments

–DIKOIN S.L. or  its legal advisers do not accept liability for the contents or the truth of  the privacy policies that third parties mentioned in this cookies policy may have.

– The web browsers are the tools that deal with storing the cookies and from here you must carry out your right to delete or deactivate them. Neither this website nor its legal representatives can guarantee the correct or incorrect handling of the cookies by the mentioned browsers.

– In some cases it is necessary to install cookies for the browser not to forget your decision not to accept them

–Google Analytics stores cookies in servers located in the United States and it is engaged not to share information with a third party, unless it is necessary to do so for the system to function or when obliged by law. Google claims they do not store your IP address. Google Inc. is a company adhered to the Safe Port Agreement, which guarantees that all transferred data will be treated with a level of protection in accordance with European standards

-If you wish to check detailed information on this subject, click the following link http://www.google.com

– For any doubt or query about this cookies policy, do not hesitate to contact us through our contact section.