FL 14.1 – Viscosity and Resistante Coefficient Determination

This equipment has been designed for the determination of the viscosity of several liquids, and the study and verification of the resistance coefficients of various geometric shapes.

    • Versatile equipment that can be used for the study of fluid properties and  resistance coefficients of particles.
    • Autonomous equipment which requires only one elctrical outlet.
Learning Objectives
  • Determination of the viscosity of liquids.
  • Measurement of the coefficients of resistance of spheres against the number of Reynolds.
  • Determination of the coefficients of resistance of different bodies.
  • Determination of the coefficients of resistance of different geometric forms.
Technical Data
      • Tube Ø = 100 mm. ; Length 1.350 mm.
      • Length between marks 1.000 mm.
      • Ø 3 mm
      • Ø 4 mm
      • Ø 5 mm
      • Ø 6 mm
      • Ø 7 mm
      • Ø 8 mm
      • Ø 9 mm
      • Ø 10 mm
      • Ø 3.96 mm
      • Ø 5 mm
      • Ø 6 mm
      • Ø 7.14 mm
      • Ø 9 mm
      • Ø 9.52 mm
  • Power supply: 230V/50Hz.