TC 01.5 – Double Jacketed Vessel and Coil Heat Exchanger
This type of exchanger is generally used in the chemical and process industry, when a very well adjusted temperature is needed.
The exchanger can work with the vessel, or with the coil, and also there is the possibility to work with a continuous flow in the vessel, or to heat a given quantity of water.
This exchanger also has a thermocouple to keep a continuous reading of the fluid temperature inside the vessel, as well as a variable-speed mixer, to study how it affects heat exchange.
Learning Objectives
- Energy balance in the exchanger
- Temperature log mean value difference study
- Determination of the global coeficient of heat transfer
- Efectivity calculation
Technical Data
- Dimensions: 440 x 250 x 430 mm
- Inner vessel capacity: 1840 cm3
- Coil lenght: 290 cm
- Coil-inner vessel exchange surface: 0,044 m2
- Exterior vessel capacity: 1691,5 cm3
- Inner-outer vessel exchange surface: 0,0899 m2